2020年9月11日 星期五

Student led conference

以往幼稚園學年年結時亦有student led conference,形式是由家長和孩子一起檢視孩子一年來完成的作品,並予以讚賞,或按需要向孩子提問,感覺上這是一個週年的慶祝活動,與孩子一起慶祝一年的努力。

升讀小學後,學校於第一個學期時設家長日,讓老師和家長互相了解,而第三個學期則設 student led conference,讓家長了解孩子的學習進度,亦在家長和老師的協助下,為第四個學期訂下目標。

Mango Ma 帶著期待,透過 Zoom 於網上進行三人會議。會議分為兩部份,第一部份由班主任帶領孩子就一些預設問題作回應及討論,第二部份則由助教讓孩子展示這學年學懂的閱讀和數學能力。

1. What are the things that you enjoy?

  • Art
  • Science
  • Library

2. What are the things that you do not enjoy?

  • No
  • I enjoyed online learning as I do not have to wake up early for school.

3. What do you think you do best?

   By the girl

  • Drawing
  • Reading
   Added by mom
  • Writing
  • Thinking
  • Solving Problem
   Echoed by teacher
  • Reading, e.g. can sound out unfamiliar words, high reading level, make inference based on text
  • Writing, e.g. good handwriting, many interesting ideas, remember facts discussed in class, start writing compound sentences
  • Speaking and listening, e.g. growing confidence, speak clearly, wear a big smile
  • Problem solving, e.g. solve problems creatively

4. What do you think you can do better?

  • Do addition correctly
    • Teacher suggested to let her work with bigger numbers
    • practice every day
    • check one more time
  • Don't fire anger at others
    • when you are sad, think before you say
    • cry
    • Teacher suggested to work on emotion zones and strategies to help us move between zones
    • Teacher encouraged her to share what was learnt at school with mom

5. How was her performance back then during her three week of school?

  • Focused
  • Listened to her teachers and peers
  • Articulated, would ask question in case she didn't understand
  • Always wanted to do the right things
  • Had new friendship
  • Kind
  • Many interesting ideas
聽過老師十分正面的評價,Mango Ma 總算安心,希望 Mango B 復課後能善用在校的時間,性情上繼續成長,學術上繼續進步。

