2022年4月15日 星期五

Conversations about school

A interesting, important conversation with Mango B that worths recording it.

B stands for Mango B; M stands for Mango Ma

B: Oh, I'm not going in after Year 2?

M: No.  You forgot the dates I wrote for you?  You'll be going in late August.

B: Oh

B: Mama, don't you like XXX (current school)?

M: I like it very much.  I like it a lot.  You know, it's mama who chose this school for you.  I surely like it very much.

B: Then why do you want me to change to YYY (new school)?

M: Um, coz mama has always been thinking about placing you in a school that suits you.  And I think you have good time in XXX, right?

B: Yes.  Then why do I need to change?

M: You know, daddy and I have once thought about moving to live in another country.

B: Yes, I heard you talking with daddy about one week of holiday, and we could go visit that country.  

M: I don't mean travelling, I mean moving there to live.

B: Never coming back?  Oh no.  My life would change a lot.  Oh no. Then I don't go to school for years until we move back?

M: Oh dear, calm down.  We have thought about it.  But we have changed our mind.  We are not going now. And even if we go, you can study in schools there.  You don't have to quit school.  Anyway, we are not planning to go now.

B: Phew

M: So if we are really going, then it's best if you stay in XXX, so you can be more adjusted to the curriculum there.  But as we now plan to stay, then mummy wants you to be like any other kids in HK.  So you can join ballet performance during summer break coz you don't have to attend school during summer.  And you can join summer camps during holidays.  You can spend eight weeks of summer holiday like other kids and your cousin.

B: Summer camp?  When do I have to go? Will you go with me?

M: You are no longer a young kid, mummy won't join every activity that you'll join.

B: Oh, then I'll have to sleep by myself?  Who will go with me?

M: Oh dear, when I say summer camp, it can be day camp.  So you can come back home in the evening, like having a course during daytime when you normally do.  You don't have to sleep outside home. And you can go with your friends. 

B: Phew

M: So mummy knows it's better if you can do more activities you like during summer holiday, just like other kids. And the curriculum is like the one you had in your kindergarten. So you can learn through doing projects. 

B: Yeah, no team work

M: Not really, there could be group project. 

B: Oh. Mama, then why do you put me in an international school?

M: Hm...coz mummy wants you to meet more different people, like your Japanese classmate, or your good friend from Ukraine.  And you can know more about the culture of their home country.  And you could also meet people that you don't really like much.  Like the boys in your class, right?  But it's important that you know how to live peacefully with them.  And I think you are doing a good job.  When your mate was struggling, you offer help to him, soothe him so that he didn't get worse, right?  So mummy wish that you can be more open minded, and to meet different people, make friends, and to live peacefully with people you like and also people you don't really like.  You don't have to like everyone.  But you need to figure out ways to live peacefully with people you don't like too.  That's important for your future life.  You can't fire colleagues that you don't like.  You can't kick away people you don't like from your life.  So mummy hopes that you find a way to deal with these people.  This is equally important like your learning in Chinese, English and Maths.  

B: Then when I go to YYY, I'll need to make new friends?

M: Well, yea, you'll meet new people, and maybe you'll make new friends.

B: I don't like it.  So strange.

M: Yes, it feels weird at first.  You know, when mummy first go to my new office, I don't know any of my colleagues on the first day.  It takes some time for me to get to know my colleagues too.

B: I want to be by myself alone on the first day of school.

M: Yes, you can choose to observe first.  And to get to know the place by observation.  But there is chance that there are nice people who would talk to you or invite you to join their games.  Then you could just join.  And Vice Principal said he will greet you at the gate on the first day.  And maybe your new homeroom teacher will invite a classmate to take care of you.  I don't know.  Just like you taking care of your new classmate last yaer, right?  Do you remember?  

B: Yes

M: So take your time dear.  It is not easy to adjust to a new place.  But mummy is confident that you will make it.  Just give yourself some time.  No hurry.  And mummy will always support you.  So before you join the new school, if you have any questions, worries, feelings, whatever that pops up your mind, do let me know, we can always talk and we can figure out ways to solve the problems together.  OK?

B: Ok

M: Dear, you'll still meet your old friends. We can still have play dates with them. We can still hang around with them during holidays, just not at schools. So I hope you'll enjoy your last term in XXX.

