2018年4月21日 星期六

Thank you letter

Dear 菲姐, 

We have been living together for 4 years and 2 weeks. Looking back, we have a lot of valuable time together. We walked through our life journey with each other, no matter ups or downs. While I tried best to support you in life challenges and difficult moments such as your serious pain due to illness, relationship issues, monetary matters, etc., you also provided enormous support to me when we struggled.  As time goes by, we become one family.

Words can't explain how much all of us will miss you after you leave Hong Kong. You are not just our helper, but also our younger sister and an elder sister of Mango B. You have brought us so much fun, sense of security and comfort at home through your service these years.

Despite how much we don't wish you to leave, we are happy for you to enjoy reunion with your beloved children. My advice to you as a mother: Do enjoy more sweet moments with them in your new house. Have more conversations with them when they still wish to talk with you. Play more with them when they still like playing with you. One day, we will all learn to be our children's supporter and let go of them for their own life journey.

Last but not least, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Thank you for your valuable time, your hard work, your wholehearted service, your integrity, your energetic devotion, your kindness and your sincerity.  We wish you all the best in the future. You'll be in our prayers. God bless.

Best regards,
Mango Ba & Ma

